Father Augustine Tolton Knights of Columbus Council 16126

Family Activities

The Father Tolton Council offers families a chance to build stronger bonds by bringing family members together in charitable and entertaining activities.

Some of these activities may include but are not limited to the following:

Monthly Fellowship Gatherings

Our Brother Knights and their families meet once a month for fraternity and socialization by gathering at a local restaurant for breakfast.

Family of the Month/Year

The Knights of Columbus honors families who exemplify the values taught by the Church and our Order. A family is chosen at each monthly meeting and presented with a certificate. At the end of the fraternal year a Family of the Year is selected from those awarded Family of the Month throughout the year.

Parish Easter Egg Hunt

The Father Tolton Council co-hosts an annual Easter Egg Hunt along with the Cathedral Council of Catholic Women (CCCW). Eggs are filled with candy or tickets that are redeemed for special prizes.

Hockey with Bishop Paprocki

Our Council is in a unique position as a parish council but especially since that parish is the Cathedral. As such we are fortunate to support Bishop Paprocki in several ways, one being his charity hokey game which benefits Catholic Charities Legal Fund. We attend the event as a group with our families and cheer on the "Holy Goalie"!

Springfield Sliders

Our Council has been encouraging families to attend a Springfield Sliders baseball game as a parish event. This is also a fundraiser for the Council as we get a portion of the proceeds for each ticket we sell.


© 2023 Father Augustine Tolton Knights of Columbus Council 16126

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