Father Augustine Tolton Knights of Columbus Council 16126

Community Activities

As Knights of Columbus, we are positively shaping our community by addressing the needs of its citizens.

Some of these activities may include but are not limited to the following:

Blood Donation

Our members help the community and support the area health services by being ImpactLife blood center donors.

Feed the Hungry

The Knights help feed the hungry by assisting Catholic Charities of Central Illinois with their annual Thanksgiving Food Distribution.

Minister to the Sick

Some of our Knights provide for the spiritual needs of the sick by serving as Memorial Hospital Extraordinary Ministers and providing the Eucharist to those that cannot attend Mass.

Care for the Homeless

Our Council helps care for those that have sacrificed for us all, and now find themselves in a difficult situation, by assisting with the Homeless Veterans Shelter Dinner.


© 2024 Father Augustine Tolton Knights of Columbus Council 16126

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