Father Augustine Tolton Knights of Columbus Council 16126


Supreme Council

Supreme Council, head office of the Knights of Columbus, provides administrative support and leadership for our more than 15,000 local units.

Columbia Online Magazine

Columbia is the monthly magazine of the Knights of Columbus, the world's largest Catholic family fraternal service organization.


This monthly newsletter features news from the Supreme Council office, actions of the Order's Board of Directors, a column on Knights of Columbus insurance up-to-date program and membership growth events for the coming months that the council can become involved with.

Knights Gear

The online store for everything a good Knight needs. From apparel, books and videos, gifts, religious and liturgical items, membership materials and more.

Father Michael J. McGivney Guild

The Father Michael J. McGivney Guild serves as a source for information about the life, works and spirituality of Knights of Columbus founder, Father McGivney.

Father Augustus Tolton Cause for Canonization

Here you can find information on the life and ministry of Father Tolton as well as the case for his canonization.

Illinois State Council

Fourth Degree - Bishop Griffin Assembly #0201

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

Diocese of Springfield in Illinois

The Holy See - The Vatican

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Other Resources

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